COVID-19 Academic Record Options
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, social and physical distancing is still required throughout the state. As a result, a majority of course offerings this academic year (Fall 2020–Spring 2021) continue to operate remotely as online courses or through alternative formats. SBCC recognizes some students continue to have significant challenges adapting to new instructional methods along with health and safety concerns outside of their control. If you are currently experiencing or did experience extenuating circumstances that affected your academic performance in one or all of your courses during the Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 semester, there are several options available to students that may alleviate your academic standing.
Forms can be submitted to Admissions & Records via Sharefile. Click here for instructions You can also email them directly to Admissions & Records:
Spring 2021 Semester Options:
A Pass/No Pass grading option earned in Spring 2021 will not affect your progress/academic probation or dismissal status. If you choose the P/NP option and earn a NP in a course, you will be able to repeat the course in a future term without having to provide documentation for the reason to repeat.
When evaluating this decision please note:
- Most transfer institutions do not compute a GPA for a P/NP course; however, in some instances a passing grade is computed at a 2.0 level, potentially adversely affecting a student’s overall GPA.
- Most transfer institutions, including CSU and UC, require courses for the major be completed with a letter grade. A pass grade could result in a student needing to retake a course once at the university.
- Many transfer institutions restrict the number of transfer units that may be taken as P/NP.
- Once you select this grading option, you cannot change the grading option back to a letter grade.
- You are highly encouraged to check with an academic counselor about the appropriateness of taking a course Pass/No Pass and the implications it may have for transfer admission into another college or university.
- Deadline to request this option is April 23, 2021.
A student may request to enter into an Incomplete Grade Contract with a course instructor when their academic work for unforeseeable, emergency, and justifiable reasons at the end of the Spring 2021 semester prevented them from completing course assignments. An incomplete grade contract would allow the student to complete the remaining assignments beyond the Spring 2021 semester and be assigned a grade when complete. If you would like to explore this option, you should contact your course instructor and make the request with them. Instructors will evaluate requests on a case-by-case basis and are not required to enter into an Incomplete Grade Contract. In some cases, an Excused Withdrawal may be a recommended option.
As a student enrolled in Spring 2021 courses, you will be granted one calendar year from the end date of the Spring 2021 semester to submit a petition to Admissions & Records requesting an Excused Withdrawal (EW). An EW is non-evaluative grade symbol that is placed on the student’s transcript indicating that the student withdrew from a course(s) due to specific events beyond the control of the student that affected their ability to complete the course(s). The “EW” symbol is not a substandard grade and will not be counted negatively towards GPA, probation, or dismissal. An Excused Withdrawal requested in Spring 2021 is not eligible for a refund of enrollment fees. Please submit the Excused Withdrawal Petition to Admissions & Records prior to the one calendar year deadline.
Fall 2020 Semester Options:
Although the Fall 2020 semester has ended and grades have been issued, a student can request a grade change from their current letter grade to a Pass / No Pass grade option if they believe that their performance was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The student must contact their course instructor and request the grade change. The course instructor will then work with Admissions & Records to change the grade. The deadline to request this option is April 23, 2021.
As a student enrolled in Fall 2020 courses, you will be granted one calendar year from the end date of the Fall 2020 semester to submit a petition to Admissions & Records requesting an Excused Withdrawal (EW). An EW is non-evaluative grade symbol that is placed on the student’s transcript indicating that the student withdrew from a course(s) due to specific events beyond the control of the student that affected their ability to complete the course(s). The “EW” symbol is not a substandard grade and will not be counted negatively towards GPA, probation, or dismissal. An Excused WIthdrawal requested in Fall 2020 is not eligible for a refund of enrollment fees. Please submit the Excused Withdrawal Petition to Admissions & Records prior to the one calendar year deadline.