Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I get help registering for classes?
A:  For step-by-step guidance, start here: SEL Admissions and Records

Q: Is Pipeline still used?  Will my SBCC account be the same? Will my Pipeline email address change?
A:  The Pipeline portal has been replaced by our new "" portal.  Click here for information on how to log in, access resources,
account settings and more. Your account information and email address will remain the same, with the addition of new benefits that will greatly improve your SBCC experience!

Q: I need in-person assistance. Where are you located?
A:  Check here for locations and hours of operation.  Our normal hours may vary during holiday breaks and semester intersessions.

Q:  I need help with course advisement and general noncredit questions.
A:  Start here: Noncredit Student Support Services

Q: What does the "R" mean in the Schedule of Classes?
A:  "R" means Thursday! (Our internal Banner system only has a one-letter field for "Days" that classes meet. "T" is taken by Tuesday. So our college uses "R" for Thursday.)

Q: Do the main offices at Wake and Schott accept cash or check payments?
A:  The Main Offices at the Wake and Schott Campuses only accept Visa and MasterCard credit cards.

Q: If I want to take free courses, do I need to apply if I have already been taking fee-based (paid) courses?
A: Yes. The free courses are offered through a completely separate system. If you have only been a fee-based student, then you will need to apply and register for courses in the tuition-free system.

Q: I am traveling at the moment, and unable to get the link to apply. Help!
A: Our application link is unavailable if you are attempting to apply online outside of California. When you get back home, you can try again. Once you have applied and are ready to register, you can register from anywhere inside or outside California!

Q: I have applied to the tuition-free system, and I am in my campus account. Why can't I add a course?
A: There could be several reasons why, but the main reasons are that either (1) registration may not be open yet for you; or (2) There is some sort of hold on your account. We encourage everyone to apply early, and get ready to register once registration opens. Please check with Admissions and Records office by emailing or come to Schott or Wake campuses. 

Q: Your application is too lengthy and invasive. Can we change it to just require a name and address?
A: As of 2017, the paper application was reduced to a simple, single page with only seven (7) questions asking for the minimum information required by the State of California in order to allow us to offer free classes. 

Q: Do you have a listing of both tuition-free and fee-based courses?
A: As availability allows, you can pick up the free print version at either Wake or Schott campus. The print schedule is subject to change, so please check our web version for the most updated class details.  All classes in the schedule are no cost unless denoted by a dollar sign.

Q: Can I register for my friend?
A: No. We do not allow friends to register classes on behalf of another student. 

Q: How do I drop a tuition-free class?
A:  To drop a class before it starts, log on to the campus portal, select "Registration" and then select "Register, Add or Drop Classes." Follow the instructions given. If you wish to drop a tuition-free class, download, fill out and follow directions on this form: Noncredit Drop Form

Q: Is there a FAQ section specifically geared toward the fee-based classes?
A:  Yes. Click here to be taken to our frequently asked questions for fee-based classes.

Q: Is there a difference between "Online" and "Zoom" video conference classes? 
A:  Your "Zoom" class may be listed as an "Online" class.  However, many online classes have no times or days listed; these classes are not taught
via Zoom.  Zoom classes generally list specific times and dates.  It is very important for you to check your campus email notifications from your instructor for class information and changes to the schedule. 

If you enrolled in a class that is being taught via Zoom, the instructor will email you the Zoom link before the class starts.   If you have questions regarding the link, please connect by email with your instructor.  It is often best to register early for Zoom classes - as opposed to the same day - to ensure that you are sent the link. Instructor emails by program and class can be found here.

Below is a breakdown of the class formats:

  • Fully Online/Asynchronous: If your class is listed as “Online” with NO days and times listed in the class schedule, the class will be taught completely remotely.  You will not be expected to log-in or attend at specific times for your class meeting.
  • In Person/Face-to-Face: If your class lists a day, time AND a location (i.e. a room on campus), your class will meet in person. 
  • Hybrid: Your class might be a hybrid class meaning that you will be in-person for part of the course (day[s], time[s] and on-campus room location listed) and also be expected to complete some work remotely/online.
  • Synchronous: If your class is listed with days and times in the class schedule, but lists “online” as the location, please be prepared to attend the online course at the days and times listed. Your instructor will likely offer live, online, Zoom instruction at the time listed in the schedule of classes. It is important that you connect with your instructor for the Zoom link to the class.